The Unique Bird Habitats Found In The Most Unexpected Places

The world is full of unique bird habitats. Some are tucked away in remote corners of the globe, and others are hidden right under our noses. 

This list highlights some of the most unusual places where you can find birds, from a lake behind an abandoned school to a colony of gulls living in Venice.

10 Most Amazing Unique Birds In The World
Key Takeaways
Bird habitats can be found in a wide range of locations, including cities, deserts and even volcanic islands.
Some of the world’s most unique and fascinating bird habitats are located in unexpected places, such as abandoned buildings and industrial sites.
Exploring bird habitats can be an incredible experience for nature lovers, providing a chance to spot rare and migratory species up close.
Additional resources, such as guides and tours, can help birdwatchers explore the world of bird habitats even further.
Providing food and water is a simple way to attract birds to your backyard or garden, allowing you to observe them at close range.

Abandoned School Lake

Abandoned School Lake (also known as Lake Toho) is a beautiful, pristine body of water in the middle of Orlando that was formed when a housing development was abandoned.

 Though it’s now fenced off and monitored by security guards, there are many ways to get into the lake and enjoy its natural beauty. 

You can find Abandoned School Lake on Miralani Drive near Universal Studios Boulevard and Sand Lake Road. It has a surface area of about 2 acres, with depths ranging from 4 feet at its shallowest point to 30 feet at its deepest point—and much deeper during rainy seasons!

The lake is home to many species of birds including everything from American coot ducks to great blue herons; even bald eagles have been seen here! 

Birdwatchers flock here year-round because so many different varieties visit this impossibly peaceful spot in Central Florida. Bring binoculars if you want to see them up close; otherwise just sit back and relax while they fly overhead en route somewhere else entirely!

As long as you stay on marked trails and don’t climb fences or break any rules set by local authorities (which includes avoiding swimming), then you should be able to enjoy your time there safely without any trouble whatsoever!

Exploring the diverse bird habitats around the world is an incredible experience that every nature lover should have. Our article on From the rainforest to the desert provides an in-depth look at some of the most unique and fascinating bird habitats found across the globe.

Baker Lake

Baker Lake, the largest body of water in the Yukon, is also home to some of the most unique bird habitats. Baker Lake is known for its canoeing and kayaking adventures (not to mention fishing), but it’s also a popular spot for wildlife watching. 

Ducks, geese, loons, and other waterfowl live on or near Baker Lake year-round by taking advantage of its abundant food supply that includes small fish and crustaceans. During spring migration season you may even see bald eagles hunting along its shores!

The lake itself was formed when glaciers from nearby mountains melted around 10,000 years ago leaving behind meltwater lakes such as this one. Today these glacial deposits are estimated at between .5 to 2 meters thick in some parts – pretty thick for an ice cube tray!

Local Attractions in Baker Lake

Abluqta Wildlife Observation SiteAn observation site with breathtaking views of the surrounding tundra and abundant wildlife, including caribou, muskoxen, and wolves.
Nunavut ParksBaker Lake is surrounded by several pristine parks, including the Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary, where visitors can experience unspoiled nature and wildlife up close.
The Kenojuak Cultural Centre and Print ShopA well-known arts and culture center that showcases the work of local Inuit artists, including prints, textiles, and sculptures.
The Canadian High Arctic Research StationA research facility that offers tours, exhibits, and educational programs about the Arctic environment and the culture of its inhabitants.
The Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management BoardThis organization manages the herds of caribou in the region, and visitors can learn about the conservation efforts made to protect these animals.

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is a protected area in Utah, United States.

The refuge has an excellent bird watching site and visitors can see over 200 species of birds there. It is located on the shore of the Great Salt Lake, near Brigham City and Willard Bay.

Visitors should be aware that this area receives very little rainfall and it is best to visit during spring when there are more waterfowl available for viewing.

Bird habitats can be found in surprising locations if you know where to look. Our guide on top 10 stunning bird habitats showcases some of the most breathtaking and unexpected places where birds call home.

Bon Echo Provincial Park

Located in Ontario, Canada, Bon Echo Provincial Park is an area of approximately 1,180 hectares (9 square miles) that boasts one of the largest and most diverse natural landscapes in Canada. 

The park was established in 1912 as a provincial park—a protected area for nature conservation that allows people to hike or camp on its grounds.

The location is about 30 kilometers east of Ottawa and has been described as one of the most beautiful places in all of Canada.

Cape Arago State Scenic Corridor

Cape Arago is a narrow, rocky cape that juts into the Pacific Ocean. It’s located near Bandon, Oregon and is a popular destination for birdwatching. The Cape Arago State Scenic Corridor protects this unique habitat—it preserves the area’s exceptional natural beauty while encouraging public access to it.

Birds are abundant at Cape Arago throughout their entire year-round range in Oregon. Many species can be seen there throughout the winter months; however, migrating birds arrive in large numbers during spring and fall migrations (April through June and September through November).

The following list of birds found at Cape Arago State Scenic Corridor includes some of their common behaviors:

If you’re a bird lover, then you won’t want to miss out on visiting these breathtaking bird habitats. Check out our list of 10 breathtaking bird habitats for an up-close look at some of the most beautiful spots for birdwatching and nature exploration.

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife refuge located in Virginia, USA. It was established in 1936 and covers more than 10,000 acres.

The refuge is a popular destination for birdwatchers who come to observe the large number of migratory birds that visit between April and November each year.

It also has a large number of birds, including birds of prey such as hawks, owls and vultures.

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Guide

LocationChincoteague Island, Virginia, USA
ActivitiesBeaches, wildlife viewing, hiking
WildlifeAssateague ponies, birds, dolphins
FacilitiesVisitor center, biking trails, campgrounds
BrandsUGG, North Face, Columbia

This table provides a quick overview of the key information for visitors to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, including its location, activities, and wildlife. Additionally, it highlights some of the facilities available to visitors, such as the visitor center, biking trails, and campgrounds. The table also includes a few brand names that could be useful for visitors’ gear needs, such as UGG, North Face, and Columbia.

Colonies of Gulls In Venice

Gulls, a type of seabird, are most commonly found on the coastlines and beaches. They’re also called “lagoon birds,” as they live in the lagoon near Venice, Italy.

The gulls’ favorite habitat is where there’s water and food—we’ve seen them in New York City’s Central Park, where they’ve been known to eat bread crumbs dropped by tourists.

From the mountains to the coast, bird habitats can be found all over the world. Our article on Discovering the hidden world of bird habitats takes a deep dive into the lesser-known habitats where unique species of birds thrive.

Gränsfors Bruk Nature Reserve

The Gränsfors Bruk Nature Reserve is located in Dalarna, Sweden. The reserve is a protected area that is managed by the county council and includes a variety of habitats including lakes and meadows. 

The reserve has been designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) by Birdlife International because of its importance as nesting habitat for Eurasian curlews (Numenius arquata) and other wetland birds.

Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve

The Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve, located in Utah, is a birding hotspot for the dozens of bird species that make their home there. 

The preserve is home to more than 300 different species of birds that’s more than any other preserve in America! The birds can be seen from October through April, but the best time to visit is between November and February.

The preserve also has several miles of walking trails for visitors who want to explore this unique habitat by foot. You can also go on guided tours with trained guides who will show you where exactly each species lives within the preserve and how they survive there year-round.

Explore some of the world’s most beautiful bird habitats with our guide to the Top 15 birdwatching hotspots to visit during the holidays. From North America to Africa and beyond, these destinations offer a chance to experience the beauty of nature and discover new bird species.

Kiskadee Trail

The Kiskadee Trail is a short loop trail that is located in the Big Cypress National Preserve, which is a national park located in Broward County, Florida. The trail was named after the Kiskadee warbler and was created to protect this bird’s habitat. It is an easy hike with boardwalks that make it accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities and mobility issues.

If you are interested in experiencing nature in its most beautiful form, there are several places you can go to see unique bird habitats around the world. 

While these habitats may be surprising at first—such as seeing birds nesting on buildings or trees—they are truly amazing examples of how birds adapt themselves to their surroundings!

Monticello Dam Drain Hole Wildlife Observation Area

The Monticello Dam Drain Hole Wildlife Observation Area, located in the state of Utah and near the city of Monticello, is a wildlife observation area. 

It’s part of a larger protected area called Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and is home to numerous species including deer, coyotes, black bears and more.

The area was created in 1980 with funding from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as an effort to restore habitat for migratory birds that had been displaced by previous dam construction projects in the region. 

The site itself encompasses 1,950 acres (7 km2) along with access roads and parking areas so you can get there without any problems!

Rocky Point Bird Observatory at Little Tobago Island

Little Tobago is a small island in the Caribbean Sea. It is part of the Tobago Cays Marine Park and a breeding ground for three species of boobies: brown booby, masked booby and red-footed booby. 

The rocky point on Little Tobago is also a nesting site for the red-footed booby, which can be seen in flight overhead by passengers flying over on their way to Tobago’s larger sister island, Trinidad. 

Little Tobago offers amazing views of this bird’s unique habitat as well as other natural wonders found in The Islands Of Trinidad And Tobago.


It’s incredible to think that so many exotic bird habitats exist in such unexpected places. There are many more out there, though, and if you want to see them all then you should definitely plan a trip! 

It can be hard to find all the resources necessary for your trip, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore the world of bird habitats and birdwatching further:

Unusual Places to Go Birding: Discover some of the most unique and unexpected locations to birdwatch around the globe.

Top 10 Destinations for Birding in the World: Explore the top birdwatching destinations from all corners of the world, from Asia to the Americas.

The 10 Rarest Birds in the World: Learn about the rarest and most endangered bird species on the planet, and what’s being done to protect them.


What are some popular bird habitats in the United States?

Some of the most popular bird habitats in the United States include the Everglades National Park in Florida, the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

What is the best time of year for birdwatching?

The best time of year for birdwatching varies depending on the location and the species of birds you want to see. In general, spring and fall tend to be the best times for migration, while summer is a good time to see breeding birds.

What is the easiest way to attract birds to your backyard?

The easiest way to attract birds to your backyard is by providing them with food and water. Setting up a bird feeder or bird bath can help draw birds to your yard.

Where are some of the best birdwatching hotspots in Europe?

Europe is home to many popular birdwatching hotspots, including the Danube Delta in Romania, the Camargue in France, and the Oder Delta in Germany.

How can I get started with birdwatching?

To get started with birdwatching, you’ll need a good pair of binoculars and some basic knowledge of bird identification. You can start by looking up common bird species in your area and attending local birdwatching events or guided tours.