How To Create A Bird-Friendly Garden That Will Attract Rare And Exotic Species

In recent years, there’s been a resurgence of interest in birds. People are more aware of the importance of these creatures and their habitats, and they want to do what they can to help. 

But while most people know that birds need food and water to survive, many don’t realize that an exotic bird will only visit your backyard garden if it has all the comforts of home. 

Creating a bird-friendly garden involves providing shelter from predators as well as food sources, nesting areas and water features all while maintaining low-maintenance elements that don’t disrupt wildlife patterns or cause harm. 

If you live in an urban area where space is limited but you still want to attract some unique species or rare specimens? Here are some tips for making sure your bird feeder doesn’t go hungry:

Key takeaways from “How to Create a Bird-Friendly Garden That Will Attract Rare and Exotic Species”
It’s important to choose the right plants that provide food and shelter for birds.
A bird-friendly garden doesn’t just benefit the birds, but it can also bring joy and beauty to your life.
Providing water sources, shelter, and a safe space are essential for attracting and keeping birds in your garden.
Feeding birds is an important aspect of creating a bird-friendly garden, but it’s important to do it properly.
Regularly cleaning your bird feeders is crucial for preventing the spread of disease.

Create a Backyard Oasis

Creating a backyard oasis that attracts and supports birds is not difficult to do. What you must remember is that the birds will come if you provide them with the necessities of life—food, water, shelter and nesting sites.

Birds require a variety of foods to sustain themselves throughout their lifespan. They also need clean water sources at all times so they can drink while they are out flying around the yard or garden. 

Birds don’t want to be too close to glass windows either because it makes them feel exposed to predators who could see them from outside their homes or offices.

When creating your bird-friendly habitat it’s important that you know what type of species live in your area so you can make sure there’s enough food and water for them all year long!

A bird-friendly garden not only benefits the birds, but it benefits you too! Check out our article on the surprising benefits of having a bird-friendly garden to learn more about how this type of garden can bring joy and beauty into your life.

Grow Native Plants

When it comes to attracting birds, native plants are the way to go. Native plants are more likely to be adapted to local conditions and will therefore provide more sustenance for your feathered visitors. 

This is especially true if you’re trying to attract rarer species of birds that may not be very common in your area—wildlife tends to gravitate toward habitats similar to those they’ve evolved in over millennia.

Another major benefit of native plants is that they tend to be in bloom at the same time as when their respective species’ young need food sources: springtime for finches and sparrows, summertime for warblers and chickadees (which also prefer berries), fall for most songbirds other than cardinals or robins who eat seeds through winter months too!

Benefits of Growing Native Plants for Attracting Birds

More abundant food supplyNative plants are adapted to local conditions and provide better food sources for birds, increasing the chance of attracting them to your garden.
Lower maintenanceNative plants typically require less maintenance because they are adapted to local conditions. This makes them easier to care for and cost-effective.
Support for local ecosystemsNative plants support a range of local organisms, including birds, by providing food and shelter. They also help to prevent soil erosion and improve water quality.
Improved bird healthNative plants provide birds with natural food sources that are more nutritious and support their natural diet. This helps to keep them healthy and encourages them to stay in your garden.
Better adaptation to local climateNative plants are more tolerant of local weather conditions and can withstand extreme temperatures, drought, and other environmental stressors that non-native plants might not survive.

Stop Using Chemical Pesticides

Whether you’re a bird-watching enthusiast or just someone who likes having birds in your backyard, there are a few things you can do to make the space more appealing for them.

The first thing to remember when creating a garden that attracts birds is that pesticides are harmful to birds. Even if they don’t kill the birds directly, they often kill insects and spiders that many species rely on as food sources. 

Many common pesticides also have long-term effects on the environment and since birds eat plants as well as insects and spiders, they may be exposed to these chemicals through their diet as well.

Additionally, some pesticides such as DDT have been shown to be harmful not only for humans but also for animals like birds (and other wildlife). 

It’s important not only because we want healthy ecosystems where all living things can thrive but also because it’s our responsibility to protect our planet from ourselves!

Creating a bird-friendly garden is a great way to attract more birds to your property. Our article on 13 surprising tips for attracting more birds to your garden provides you with expert advice and insights on how to do just that.

Create a Water Feature

You can create a water feature in your garden by simply placing a birdbath in the sunniest part of your yard. 

Make sure it is shallow and large enough for birds to bathe in. In addition to drinking, bathing and cooling off, birds will also use your water feature as a lookout point—so try to place it near trees or other plants that provide shade.

Provide Shelter

The first step in creating a bird-friendly garden is providing shelter for your feathered friends. This can be done in many ways, from building birdhouses to providing food sources such as feeders and baths.

Birdhouses are great for attracting a variety of species including woodpeckers and chickadees. You want to make sure that your birdhouse is safe and sturdy, otherwise you will risk drawing predators instead of birds! 

A good way to ensure safety is by hanging it so that it’s at least 12 feet off the ground or higher if possible (higher locations provide better views). You should also avoid placing it near windows or other places where cats or dogs could reach them easily—they may try to catch their prey inside!

Are you looking for inspiration on how to design a beautiful and sustainable bird-friendly garden? Check out our article on the top 15 most beautiful and sustainable bird-friendly garden designs for ideas and tips on how to create a stunning outdoor space.

Get A Bird Feeder

Once you’ve settled on the type of bird feeder to get, it’s time to set it up. You can hang your feeder from a tree or other outdoor structure (like a house), but I recommend building a perch for it instead. 

It will be easier to keep clean and control how many birds visit at once. Here are some tips for making sure your feeder is safe for wildlife:

Use only untreated wooden materials; plastic and metal can leach toxic chemicals into the food source if they come into contact with rain or humidity

Make sure the hook or hanger is strong enough to hold all that weight above ground level—if not, consider hanging it lower down an existing branch (this will also make cleaning much easier).

Benefits of Having a Bird Feeder

Provides food in winterBird feeders provide a reliable source of food for birds throughout the winter months when natural food sources are scarce.
Attracts a variety of birdsA range of birds are attracted to bird feeders, which can provide birdwatchers with a variety of species to observe.
Easy to install and maintainMany types of bird feeders are easy to install, and they are typically low maintenance. This makes them an excellent way to attract birds to your garden without requiring a lot of effort.
Supports bird populationsBird feeders provide a valuable food source that can help to support bird populations, which can be especially important for threatened or endangered species.
Enhances outdoor enjoymentBird feeders can provide hours of entertainment for young and old alike, as they watch birds come and go from the feeder. This can enhance your enjoyment of your outdoor space.

Give Birds Places To Nest

A birdhouse is a great way to attract birds. You can buy them at any local home supply store, or you can make your own.

A nesting box is another option for attracting birds to your garden. Again, these can be purchased from many different stores or you could make one yourself. 

Some are made especially for certain species of birds and others are more general in their design and function. 

If there is no suitable location on your property where the box will be safe from predators (such as cats)

Then consider placing it inside an enclosed structure like a small shed or gazebo with access through an opening secured by a door flap so that the bird has protection while entering and exiting its home during breeding season when it’s vulnerable to predators such as hawks or owls looking for prey near their nests during this time period.

Building a nest platform gives birds yet another option for creating nests which will help attract more species than just those who prefer wooden structures like bluebirds do! Be sure not place them too close together though because one female will most likely build her nest right next door instead of going all the way across town!

It’s not always easy to make your garden attractive and inviting to birds. Our article on 10 clever ways to make your garden more inviting and attractive to birds provides you with creative and effective tips on how to do just that.

Let Some Leaves Go

Leaves serve many purposes. Leaves are an important food source for birds, especially in the winter when there is little else available to eat. 

They can also be used as nesting sites and provide protection from predators as well as shelter from bad weather.

And if you have a large backyard tree that provides leaves, consider yourself lucky! You’ll want to make sure your yard or garden provides enough space so the birds can swoop in and out of their new home at will.

Avoid Glass On Your Windows, Doors And Balconies

An obvious, but important step to create a bird-friendly garden is to avoid glass on your windows, doors and balconies. 

Birds can fly into glass and become trapped or injured by it. For this reason, it’s best to keep all windows covered with a soft material such as natural woven fabrics or cotton sheets that allow light through while keeping birds out. 

If you don’t have the time or resources to cover every piece of exposed glass, consider placing decals on some pieces of your window so birds can see that they’re not welcome there!

Glass creates an unnatural barrier between us humans and nature; if you have any exposed windows in your house or apartment that aren’t absolutely necessary for you (like those looking into other apartments), try covering them up with fabric/curtains/whatever works best as long as it doesn’t interfere too much with ventilation (you don’t want mold). 

This will help make sure no one gets hurt when they happen upon an open window during their travels around the world; plus having less contact means less noise pollution which makes everyone’s lives easier!

Feeding birds is an important aspect of creating a bird-friendly garden. Our comprehensive guide on the ultimate guide to bird feeding: tips and tricks for success provides you with everything you need to know to feed birds properly and effectively.

Learn To Identify Your Visitors

Once you’ve created your bird-friendly garden, it’s time to learn how to identify the visitors who will come through it. 

Learning bird identification is a great way to learn about the natural world and its conservation, as well as how it interacts with our own environment.

Learn The Sounds Of Birds: To help you identify birds by sight and sound, download free apps such as iBird Pro or Merlin Bird ID. 

These apps feature high-quality recordings of bird calls that can be played back on your phone or computer when you hear an unfamiliar visitor in your garden.

Become A Bird Watcher: Join a local bird club where people meet regularly at parks and public spaces around town to observe birds together (hint: find one here). 

This is not only an excellent way of meeting like-minded people but also provides access to expert knowledge from those who have dedicated their lives to studying birds!

Shop At Bird-Friendly Stores

Shop at bird-friendly stores. Bird-friendly stores are a great way to attract rare and exotic species of birds. It’s easy to identify these stores by their signs, which often include pictures of birds and flowers. 

Look for one near you by asking your local librarian or searching the internet. If you don’t have any luck there, try contacting the store directly through their website or phone number listed on their sign (you may have to do some digging) and ask if they sell any bird food or feeders that would attract animals like parrots, hummingbirds, falcons, owls, etc.


If you’re interested in attracting birds to your backyard, there are a few steps you can take. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure your backyard is safe for them. 

This means keeping pesticides out of it and providing plenty of food and water sources, along with places for them to nest. 

Some people may also find it helpful to get a bird feeder so that they can watch these little critters from their window seat!

Further reading

Bird-friendly garden: Tips for creating a garden birds will love – This article provides further tips and advice on creating a bird-friendly garden. Learn how to choose the right plants, provide water and shelter, and create a welcoming environment for all types of birds.

7 ways to attract birds in your garden – This article provides seven simple but effective ways to attract birds to your garden. Learn about the types of bird feeders to use, the best birdseed to use, and how to create a safe environment for birds.

5 ways to encourage wild birds into your garden – This article provides five easy ways to encourage wild birds into your garden. From providing food and water to creating a safe space, learn how to make your garden more attractive and inviting to birds.


How do I attract birds to my garden?

There are several ways to attract birds to your garden, including providing bird feeders, planting bird-friendly plants, providing water sources, and creating a safe space for birds.

What types of plants are best for a bird-friendly garden?

The best plants for a bird-friendly garden are those that provide food and shelter for birds. These include native species such as sunflowers, coneflowers, and black-eyed susans.

How can I make my garden a safe space for birds?

To make your garden a safe space for birds, avoid using pesticides and herbicides, provide shelter and nesting areas, and keep your cat indoors.

What types of bird feeders should I use?

There are many types of bird feeders available, including tube feeders, hopper feeders, and suet feeders. Choose a feeder that is appropriate for the types of birds present in your area.

How often should I clean my bird feeders?

It’s important to clean your bird feeders regularly to prevent the spread of disease. Clean your feeders at least once a month and more frequently during times of heavy use.