Are You A Bird Expert? Test Your Knowledge With These 10 Identification Quizzes!

If you’ve ever been to a zoo, you know that it’s easy to identify the birds. But did you know that most birds in North America are not found in zoos and can’t be seen up close? 

Birds like sparrows, robins, blue jays, and other common backyard variety are easy enough to identify if you’re just looking at them from afar. 

But what about when they land on your lawn or fly over your head? Here’s where things get tricky: how do we tell one bird from another? 

Luckily for us, there are experts out there who have tested their knowledge of avian identification with these fun quizzes!

Guess the Bird Quiz | Bird Family Quiz
Learning about birds can be both informative and fun
Bird identification involves recognizing physical features, behavior and habitat
Understanding bird behavior, migration, and intelligence can provide insights into these fascinating creatures
Identifying birds can be challenging, but quizzes and field guides can be helpful
Providing food, water, and shelter can help attract birds to your garden
Bird photography is an art that requires patience and skill

1. Identify The Birds In Your Yard

There are more than 800 species of birds in North America, so it’s no surprise that many people who love wildlife can’t identify all of them by sight alone. 

To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of 10 common backyard birds and their identifying characteristics. Don’t worry if you don’t know what they sound like or where they live we’ll get to those questions later!

  • What Are They Eating?

Once you know what kind of bird is visiting your yard, it’s time to figure out how they’re feeding themselves. If they’re eating seeds or insects but not both then either type will be fine for attracting them!

If you’re a bird enthusiast, exploring the unique habitats where they reside can be a fascinating adventure. Discover the unique bird habitats found in the most unexpected places to broaden your knowledge on how birds adjust in their environment.

2. Identify Backyard Ducks

Ducks are waterfowl, and they’re mostly herbivorous. They lay eggs, which means their carcasses won’t be left behind to decompose in the soil. 

Ducks are helpful in controlling mosquito populations and agricultural pests, like grubs and snails. And if you have a pond or lake on your property, you’ll probably find yourself with a few ducklings near it soon enough!

Table: Brands for Identifying Backyard Ducks

Brand NameFeatures
iBird ProComprehensive guide to identifying various ducks and their calls
Merlin Bird IDAdvanced AI-based app that can identify ducks based on their images or sounds
Sibley eGuideA digital field guide with detailed illustrations and range maps of different species of ducks
Peterson Field Guide to BirdsA classic guidebook for identifying birds, including different types of ducks
Ducks of North America AppA comprehensive app dedicated to identifying different duck species in North America

Note: All of these brands can be useful for identifying backyard ducks, but it’s important to do your research and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.

3. Identify Backyard Chickens

If you think chickens are your favorite backyard birds, you’re right! The chicken is the most common type of bird that people keep as pets. 

Chicks are easy to identify because they’re small and have fluffy down feathers on their bodies that cover up their wings. Chickens eat both plants (like grass) and animals (insects), so they’re omnivores just like humans!

Because chickens tend to stay in flocks together, they often make loud noises with each other. You may hear them cackle or cluck at times too that’s what makes them so noisy!

Have you ever wondered how birds migrate over long distances? Our article on the science behind bird migration can help you understand this incredible phenomenon, which is essential to the survival of many bird species.

4. Identify Backyard Geese

When you hear a honking in the distance, do you automatically think of your local geese? Or are you unsure of what kind of bird is making that call. We’re here to help!

  • Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)
  • Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii)
  • Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)

Table: Brands for Identifying Backyard Geese

Brand NameFeatures
Audubon Bird GuideA comprehensive app with detailed information on various species of geese and their calls
Merlin Bird IDAdvanced AI-based app that can identify geese based on their images or sounds
Sibley eGuideA digital field guide with detailed illustrations and range maps of different species of geese
The Crossley ID GuideA unique guidebook that uses large and lifelike images to aid in identifying different goose species
Geese of North America AppA comprehensive app dedicated to identifying different goose species in North America

Note: All of these brands can be useful for identifying backyard geese, but it’s important to do your research and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.

5. Identify Backyard Cranes

When it comes to cranes, there are many ways to help you identify them. For example, their physical characteristics may help you distinguish between species or subspecies. 

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suggests looking for the following features: size and overall body shape; length of legs; bill size; coloration around the eyes and face; wing markings; eye color; and habitat preference (for instance, do they inhabit marshes or fields?).

Identifying different bird species can be challenging, even for seasoned birdwatchers. Test your skills on the top 15 most misidentified birds and learn how to spot the difference between similar looking birds.

6. Identify Backyard Swans

Swans are not ducks, geese, cranes, eagles or ospreys, falcons or hawks. They are also not chickens. A backyard swan is always one of the following:

Tundra Swan: This species can be found in Alaska and northwestern Canada but has been spotted as far south as New York State! 

It’s a large bird with long legs and webbed feet that makes it great for swimming (though they only do so if there is a body of water available). 

They don’t usually make noise except when mating or protecting their nestlings from predators so if you hear what sounds like loud honking outside your window at night, call animal control immediately because there’s probably someone trying to steal them from where they belong!

Trumpeter Swan: This bird was named after its loud trumpeting call which sounds like an elephant blowing into an old-fashioned trumpet (or something equally ridiculous). 

It can weigh up to 30 pounds when fully grown but usually lives about 15 years on average before being hunted down by humans who think it would look nice mounted above their fireplace mantle

7. Identify Backyard Eagles And Ospreys

Here’s a bird identification quiz that will challenge your eagle- and osprey-spotting skills.

Just like the other quizzes in this series, we’ve provided a photo of each bird along with some clues to help you figure out which species it is.

The first step to learning how to identify backyard eagles and ospreys is knowing what they look like. 

Let’s take a closer look at these two birds’ characteristics:

Eagles are large birds of prey (upwards of 2 feet tall) with powerful talons and sharp hooked bills that can be used for tearing flesh from their prey. 

They have excellent eyesight and often soar high above the ground while looking down for food or danger below them (in flight). 

You may also see an eagle perched on top of a tree branch or cliffside, where they can keep an eye out for passing animals without having to flap their wings too often.

Ospreys are similar in size but have more rounded wings than eagles do; instead of soaring through the sky like many species do, these birds prefer sitting atop high cliff sides so they can swoop down onto fish below them when needed–a skill made easier by their specially adapted talons! 

If you live near any bodies of water such as rivers or lakes (or even manmade ones like ponds), there’s a good chance you’ll spot an osprey at one point or another during your lifetime.

Studying the intelligence of birds can be insightful and entertaining. In our article on how intelligent birds are, learn about the impressive cognitive abilities of some bird species, including problem-solving and tool use.

8. Identify Backyard Falcons And Hawks

Let’s start with the basics: What is a falcon? A hawk? And what do they have in common?

Falcons and hawks are birds of prey, meaning that they eat other birds or small animals such as rodents. They’re also known for their sharp beaks and talons, which allow them to hunt effectively.

Falcons have hooked bills, while hawks have curved or rounded beaks (the shape depends on the species). 

Both types of birds have excellent vision, hearing and smell—important tools for hunting down prey from the air.

Finally, both falcons and hawks have four toes on each foot: three pointing forward and one pointing backward. But their feet aren’t just useful for catching food; they can also help these flying predators soar through the air quickly over long distances at high speeds!

9. Test Your Knowledge Of The Birds Of February

The ninth quiz in our series pushes you to identify birds of February. This is a great time to test your knowledge and challenge yourself!

Here are the birds for this month:

Northern Cardinal – This bird is found throughout North America, including southern Canada and northern Mexico. It’s known for its bright red feathers and orange bill.

Wood Thrush – The Wood Thrush can be found across the eastern half of the United States, as well as parts of Canada and Central America. It has a long tail with white tips on each feather that give it an alert look when it flies away from danger or sings among trees or bushes.

American Goldfinch – If you’re lucky enough to spot an American Goldfinch during its annual migration northward in springtime (February or March), look carefully at its bright yellow plumage it’s one of the easiest birds to identify!

From the colorful quetzal to the majestic eagle, the world is filled with diverse and beautiful bird species. Challenge yourself to name all top 10 most beautiful and exotic birds in the world and explore their unique features and habitats.

10. Test Your Knowledge Of The Birds Of March

March is a busy month for birds, with many species migrating to warmer climates. The weather can be unpredictable, with temperatures ranging from below freezing to mild and sunny. 

Birds are on the move during March in order to escape the cold and find food, so it’s important that you know how to identify them!

  • What is this bird?

You may have seen this species flying through your backyard at night or heard their noisy chatter early in the morning as they forage for food. 

You won’t see many of these colorful birds during winter months because they migrate south in search of warmth.


If you’re looking for a challenge, we think you’ll enjoy these quizzes. Just remember that there are always exceptions to every rule and that everyone is different. 

For example, many people who say they can’t identify birds by sight alone might be able to do so by sound without realizing it! 

So try not to worry too much if you don’t get everything right the first time around just keep practicing until one day soon when it comes naturally. Good luck!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about birds, check out these resources:

DK Find Out – Take a quiz to test your bird knowledge and learn some fun facts about these fascinating creatures.

Ultimate Quiz Questions – Challenge yourself with this bird quiz, which includes questions about bird behavior, habitats, and more.

A-Z Animals – Test your knowledge and learn interesting facts about pigeons with this quiz.


What is bird identification?

Bird identification is the process of recognizing and naming different species of birds based on their physical features, behavior, and habitat.

How do I identify a bird species?

To identify a bird species, you can use several factors such as its size, color, beak shape, behavior, and habitat. Consulting a field guide or using a bird identification app can be helpful.

What is bird migration?

Bird migration is the seasonal movement of birds from one place to another in search of food and favorable breeding conditions. This phenomenon is essential for the survival of many species.

How can I attract birds to my garden?

You can attract birds to your garden by providing food and water sources, planting native vegetation, and creating sheltered areas for nesting.

What is bird photography?

Bird photography is the art of capturing high-quality images of birds in their natural habitat. This requires patience, skill, and a good understanding of bird behavior and movement.