15 Surprising Benefits Of Bird Feeding You Probably Didn’t Know!

Bird feeding is one of the most rewarding activities that you can do for yourself and for the birds. 

This activity has many health benefits, including stress reduction, improved brain function, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, better sleep quality, balance and agility in older adults even a sense of purpose and accomplishment! 

In addition to being good for you, bird feeders are great for your garden (including fewer insects), children learn about nature through them, they’re easy to start just add a bird feeder!

Feeding the Birds – Helpful or Harmful?
Key Takeaways
Bird feeding is a fun and rewarding activity that provides several benefits.
Feeding birds can help to attract more bird species to your garden and allows for bird watching opportunities.
Bird feeding can help to support bird populations, especially during harsh weather conditions and breeding season.
Providing bird food and creating a bird-friendly garden can help with pest control and pollination efforts.
Bird feeding can also have positive impacts on the feeder’s well-being, providing stress relief and improving mental health.

1. Bird Feeding Reduces Stress

Did you know that bird feeding can help reduce stress? There are several benefits to bird feeding. 

One of them is the fact that birds can be a great way to reduce stress. If you’re not a fan of the outdoors, then maybe being around these creatures isn’t for you, but for many people it’s something that helps them relax and enjoy life more. 

It’s also something different than what most people do on a regular basis, so it makes life more interesting and exciting!

Attracting more feathered friends to your garden is easier than you think! Our article on 13 surprising tips will provide you with unique insights to make your garden a haven for birds and experience the joys of birdwatching firsthand.

2. Bird Feeding Enhances Brain Function

When you feed birds, you’re also doing something great for your own brain. Feeding wild birds can help reduce stress, increase relaxation and lower blood pressure. You’ll also be able to learn more about the world around you. 

If you have a bird feeder in your backyard, it will attract a variety of different types of birds that all possess unique qualities and behaviors. 

As you watch them interact with one another or observe their daily activities (such as building nests), this will help sharpen your observational skills and who knows? 

Maybe someday when someone asks if there are any other benefits to bird feeding besides helping out conservation efforts and reducing pollution levels (which we already discussed above), then maybe then they’ll say something like “Oh yeah! And it makes people smarter!”

Benefits of Bird Feeding on Brain Function

Key PointsAdditional Information
Reduces stress levelsWatching birds can have a calming effect on the brain
Improves mental healthFeeding birds can alleviate feelings of depression
Increases focusObserving birds can enhance concentration and attention
Boosts cognitive skillsLearning about birds and their behavior sharpens the mind
Enhances creativityBird feeding can provide inspiration for creative pursuits

3. Bird Feeding Reduces Heart Rate

When you’re stressed out, a good way to relax is by bird feeding.

Birds are beautiful creatures that can make us feel calm and happy. Bird feeding is a great way to unwind after a long day of work or school.

You may have heard that bird feeding can reduce stress and anxiety, but did you know that it also reduces heart rate?

In fact, according to studies conducted by Dr. Jane Goodall (the famous chimpanzee researcher), “watching birds increases our levels of oxytocin the cuddle hormone and lowers our blood pressure”

Bird feeding just got better with our curated list of must-have bird-feeding products! Browse through the list and discover the perfect product for any bird-feeding enthusiast.

4. Bird Feeding Lowers Blood Pressure

It’s no secret that birds are great for lowering blood pressure, but did you know that watching them at the feeder can do the same? According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “Studies have shown that looking at a picture of nature can lower blood pressure by as much as 10 mmHg within just five minutes.”

The effect is even more pronounced when looking at real birds in real life. In fact, this research suggests bird feeders may be one of the most effective ways to reduce your own stress levels!

5. Bird Feeding Reduces Anxiety And Depression

One of the most surprising benefits of bird feeding is that it can actually reduce anxiety and depression, as well as help you to relax. 

The sounds, movements, and colors of birds can be a great distraction from stressful situations or daily worries. Feeding birds is also a good way to spend time outside in nature and connect with nature on a deeper level.

Creating a garden that attracts rare and exotic species might sound daunting, but it isn’t! Our article on how to create a bird-friendly garden provides you with all the information you need to create a garden that will impress even the pickiest birds.

6. Bird Feeding Improves Sleep Quality

Sleep is important for health and well-being. Birdsong is a natural sleep aid, and the gentle chirps of birds can help lull you into a peaceful slumber. 

Feeding wild birds will also reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier for you to relax at night. If you want to get the most out of your bird feeding experience, try these tips:

Make sure your feeder is placed in an area that gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day (but not directly in front of your bedroom window). This will warm up their food more quickly during cold months, which helps attract more species.

Try using seed mixtures with high fat content like black oil sunflower seeds instead of regular bird seed mix; they’re less likely to spoil during cold weather months when there’s little sunlight available outside!

Put out several different types of feeders so that different species can visit at once–this way they’ll have greater access within their own habitat range without competing over limited resources around one area where everything looks similar except maybe some subtle differences between certain mixes which could cause problems if everyone eats only one type per week instead

Benefits of Bird Feeding on Sleep Quality

Key PointsAdditional Information
Decreases stressWatching birds can be a relaxing and stress-relieving activity, leading to better sleep.
Soothes the mindThe sounds and sights of birds can have a calming effect on the mind before bedtime.
Provides sense of peaceKnowing that birds are comfortable and well-fed in your garden can elicit positive feelings.
Promotes relaxationBird watching can provide a low-stimulation activity before sleep, aiding relaxation.
Enhances sleep durationStudies have indicated that exposure to nature, including birds, is associated with longer sleep times.

7. Bird Feeding Improves Balance And Agility In Older Adults

If you’re an older adult and have noticed that your balance or agility has been off, take advantage of a way to improve both. 

Bird feeding not only teaches kids about nature, but also improves balance and agility in older adults.

To begin, try setting up a bird feeder or two outside your window so that you can easily see the birds from inside your home. Next, plan on keeping it stocked with seeds for about 30 minutes each day (or less if there are many birds). 

As an added bonus, this will help keep rodents away from your house! If possible, find a place with enough room around the feeder so that children aren’t running into tables or chairs while trying to get closer views of their favorite feathered friends.

Having a bird-friendly garden does not only add to the aesthetics of your property but also offers several benefits to the birds and surrounding ecosystem. Take a look at our article on 15 surprising benefits of having a bird-friendly garden and learn more about the positive effects it can have.

8. Bird Feeding Gives You A Sense Of Purpose And Accomplishment

As you can see, bird feeding has many benefits. It’s an easy activity to start—you don’t need to be an expert and there are many ways you can learn about birds and nature. 

Bird feeding is also a great way to connect with nature, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. And if you enjoy being outdoors, then bird feeding is for you!

It’s important to remember the importance of maintaining a healthy diet when it comes to birds. Here are some tips for what types of foods should be fed:

9. Bird Feeding Helps You Connect With Nature

If you enjoy nature and want to be more in touch with it, bird feeding is a fun way to do that. It’s also one of the best ways to teach your children about birds and how they benefit us by being around us. 

When you take time out of your day to feed birds, you can sit back and relax while watching them fly around above you or land on the ground in front of you. This will give them something nice to look at, which will make them feel happy too! 

This relaxing experience can help bring families closer together as well as teach kids about nature in general; an important lesson for everyone involved!

To take your bird-feeding to the next level, check out our ultimate guide on tips and tricks for success in bird feeding. Our comprehensive guide offers valuable insights and knowledge to help you provide the best experience for your feathered visitors.

10. Bird Feeders Are A Great Outdoor Activity For Children To Learn About Wildlife

Feeding wild birds is a great way to teach children about nature and the environment, so they can learn while they play. 

It’s also a fun activity that you can do together as a family, which will help strengthen your bond with one another.

If you have kids in your home, bird feeding is something that you should consider doing. Not only will this activity get them outside during the winter months when it’s too cold for them to enjoy playing outside, but it also gives them an opportunity to learn about wildlife as well as nature itself!

11. Bird Feeders Are Great For Your Garden!

Bird feeders are great for your garden! They will attract birds to your garden and they will eat the pests that would otherwise damage it. Birds also spread seeds, which helps plants grow and pollinate other plants.

12. Birds Will Keep Your Garden Free Of Insects!

As they eat the plants and seeds that you plant, birds will also eat the insects that may be trying to destroy them. 

This means that by planting flowers and leaving food out, you can help prevent pests from destroying your garden. 

Birds act as natural pest control by providing food for them, you can prevent insects in your yard with no pesticides or chemicals at all!

13. You Can Share Bird Watching With Friends And Family!

Bird watching is a great activity for the whole family, especially if you have kids. It’s an opportunity to spend time together outdoors and enjoy nature, but it can also be a great way to bond with friends and family. 

Children are easily excited by birds, and bird feeders make it easy for them to get involved in bird watching since they can observe birds from the comfort of their own home. As a bonus, feeding birds also teaches kids about caring for animals as well as how different species interact with one another!

If your child has an interest in learning more about birds, encourage them to take advantage of all that our library has to offer: we carry books on many different topics related to ornithology (the study of birds), including those written specifically for children who want some guidance while exploring this fascinating topic themselves!

14. It Is Easy To Start Just Add A Bird Feeder!

If you are looking to attract birds to your yard, a bird feeder is an easy way to do it. Bird feeders are available in many styles and types, so you can choose one that fits your needs. 

They come in plastic, metal or wood; they can be hung from trees or placed on the ground; and they can be homemade or bought at a store.

Whether you decide to make your own bird feeder or purchase one from a store, plan on spending some time getting it set up correctly before placing it outside for use.

It’s important that the seed remains fresh so birds will continue visiting regularly over time so keep it clean!


If you’re thinking about starting a bird feeding hobby, we hope these benefits have convinced you to do so! Start with a simple feeder and some seed, then spend time watching and enjoying the birds that come to visit. 

The more you do it, the more rewarding it will become. We hope this article has given you some insight into how beneficial bird feeding can be for your health as well as your family and friends.

Further Reading

Here are some more articles to dive deeper into the benefits of bird feeding:

Benefits of Feeding Birds in Your Backyard: Learn about the several benefits of bird feeding to both the birds and the feeder, including stress relief and improving mental health.

10 Amazing Life Lessons from Bird Feeding: Discover how watching and interacting with birds through feeding can provide valuable insights and meaningful life lessons.

9 Surprising Benefits of Feeding Birds in Your Garden: Explore the positive effects of feeding birds in your garden, from pollination to pest control.


What is bird feeding?

Bird feeding is the act of providing food to birds in your backyard or any location where birds are present. This is usually done using bird feeders or by laying out bird food on the ground.

What are the different types of bird feeders?

There are several types of bird feeders, including tube feeders, hopper feeders, suet feeders, and platform feeders. Each type of feeder is designed to attract different types of birds and accommodate different types of bird food.

What is the best food to use for bird feeding?

The best food to use for bird feeding depends on the type of birds you want to attract. Generally, birdseed mixes with a variety of seeds are a good choice as they appeal to a wider range of birds. It is important to choose high-quality, fresh seed to ensure birds receive proper nutrition.

What are the benefits of bird feeding?

Bird feeding has several benefits, both to the birds and the feeder. Some benefits include attracting more birds to your yard, providing a food source during harsh weather conditions, and aiding in conservation efforts. Additionally, bird feeding can help reduce stress and improve mental health for the feeder.

How can I attract more birds to my backyard?

There are several ways to attract more birds to your backyard, including providing different types of bird feeders, offering various types of food, ensuring a clean and safe feeding area, and providing water sources such as birdbaths or small ponds. Additionally, planting native trees and shrubs can help attract birds to your yard.