10 Reasons Why Birdwatching Is The Perfect Holiday Activity

If you’ve been looking for a way to spend your next holiday, look no further than birdwatching. It’s a great activity that can be done almost anywhere, with a partner or on your own. 

Birdwatching even has some surprising benefits for both our mental and physical health. And did we mention that it’s also a great conversation starter? 

In this article, we’ll talk about the reasons why birdwatching is so much fun and why you should consider doing it yourself!

Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bird Watcher
Key Takeaways
Benefits of bird watching
Tips for attracting birds to your garden
Techniques for capturing stunning bird photos
Beginner’s guide to birdwatching
Christmas-themed bird watching events
Stunning bird habitats to visit
FAQs about bird watching and its benefits

It’s Great For Your Mental Health

  • It’s relaxing

Birdwatching can be a great way to unwind after a long, stressful day at work. The practice of birding often involves slow, deliberate observation and the quiet contemplation of beautiful nature. 

You’ll likely find that it helps you relax your mind and focus on the present moment, which can help reduce stress levels and improve mental health overall. Birders also report that being outdoors in nature makes them feel more energized than spending time indoors does!

  • It’s a good way to get outside

If you aren’t already an avid nature lover, then this might be one reason why you should try birdwatching it’s an excellent opportunity for getting outdoors! 

Many people who participate in hobbyist hobbies do so because they love spending time outside; birding is no exception here: most birdwatchers are avid hikers or backpackers who use their hobby as an excuse (or sometimes even just an excuse) to enjoy some time away from civilization while exploring nature in its purest form.

Attracting birds to your garden is not only good for them, but also for you! Check out our article on 10 clever ways to make your garden more inviting and attractive to birds to learn how to create a bird-friendly environment that’s perfect for bird watching.

It Can Be Done Almost Anywhere

You can have the perfect birdwatching holiday almost anywhere. Maybe you want to go somewhere exotic, like Costa Rica or Peru? Maybe your local park has a few birds that need a better look? Or maybe there’s a patch of woods nearby that is known for its birdlife. 

All of these options are good ones for birdwatching, so no matter where you choose to go, chances are it will be easy and fun!

Think about this: do you really think all those people who’ve been on their dream vacation in Hawaii come home with nothing more than pictures of beaches and palm trees? 

The truth is that most of them also came home with tons of memories from fishing trips and hikes through the jungle and if they weren’t exactly birdwatching themselves, then at least they were able to see some amazing sights along the way.

Bird Watching – Table for Locations

BackyardBird watching can be easily enjoyed in the comfort of your own backyard. Hang a bird feeder, bird bath, or birdhouse to attract more birds and begin your watching experience.
Nearby ParksLocal parks often have natural habitats, water sources, and vegetation that attract different types of birds. These areas offer a peaceful setting and various opportunities for sightings.
Wildlife RefugesNature reserves and wildlife refuges such as the Audubon Society, Big Cypress National Preserve or the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve offer some of the best bird-watching experiences in the country.
Zoos and AviariesZoos and aviaries not only offer a variety of bird species to see in one location but also provide educational information about each type of bird.
Beaches and Coastal AreasCoastal areas attract different bird species such as pelicans, herons, and seagulls. Watching these birds in their natural environment can be a unique experience for any bird watcher.
Forest Trails and Hiking PathsExploring forest trails and hiking paths offer a chance to see birds that are usually not found in other areas. It also adds exercise to the bird-watching experience.

This table highlights a few locations where bird watching can be enjoyed almost everywhere. Augmenting with the above-mentioned locations, one can ensure that they get the most out of their bird-watching experience.

It’s A Great Activity For Kids

If you’re looking to take the kids on holiday, birdwatching is a great activity that will give them a sense of wonder and teach them more about the world around them.

It’s easy to see why kids would love it. For example, they can learn about nature and animals. There’s something magical about spotting a bird in flight or hearing its call, because it’s an animal you don’t get to see every day and if your child is anything like mine, there’ll be plenty of excited chatter! 

Hopefully this makes her aware of conservation issues too: some species are in danger because people are destroying their habitats by building houses where they live or cutting down trees that provide food and shelter for birds (and other animals).

Capturing stunning photographs of birds requires more than just a good camera. Our article on the top 13 techniques for capturing stunning bird photos provides tips and tricks for amateur and professional photographers alike to help them snap the best shots.

You Can Do It With A Partner, A Friend, Or Even Alone

Birdwatching is the perfect activity to enjoy with a group. It’s also great if you want to do it alone. The fact that you can get into the habit of birdwatching and then share your experiences with friends and family is one of many reasons why this activity is so appealing.

Bird Watching – Table for Group Activities

Group ActivitiesDescription
Bird Watching ClubsJoining a bird watching club, such as the Audubon Society or the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, can offer access to local bird watching events, educational programs, and chances to bird watch with a group of bird enthusiasts.
Guided ToursMany bird reserves, wildlife refuges, and other nature parks offer guided bird watching tours with an expert guide who can help the group identify different bird species. These tours are usually available year-round and cover different habitats ranging from forests, wetlands to coastal areas.
Photography WorkshopsPhotography Workshops focused on birds can help you improve your bird photography skills while providing more opportunities and tips for bird watching. These workshops are offered by many professional photographers from brands like Canon, Nikon in nature reserves and wildlife refuges.
Corporate EventsBird watching can be an excellent team building activity, and many companies offer organized bird watching activities for their employees. It can take place in a variety of locations and typically provides participation awards and a learning experience.
Family Bird WatchingBird watching is the perfect activity for families to explore nature together. Brands such as the National Wildlife Federation offer Family Birding Kits that provide everything a family needs to start bird watching together.

This table highlights some of the group activities that can be enjoyed while bird watching, regardless of whether you prefer to do it alone or with others. These group activities can make birdwatching more enjoyable, educational and broaden your bird-watching horizons.

It’s The Perfect Way To Enjoy Scenic Locales

Birdwatching is a great way to enjoy the sights and sounds of a new place. Whether you’re exploring a city park or trekking through the rainforest, there’s no shortage of scenic locales where birders can get their fix.

It’s A Great Conversation Starter

You might meet some new friends! Birdwatching is a great way to meet people who share your love of nature, as well as those with different perspectives on the world.

 And it doesn’t matter if you’re in New York or Timbuktu: birdwatchers are everywhere. A quick search on Meetup will show you that there are birding groups in every major city and town.

If you’re new to bird watching, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Our comprehensive guide on the ultimate birdwatching beginners guide gives you all the information you need to kickstart your bird watching adventures, from basic terminologies to essential gear.

It Helps You Learn More About The World Around You

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the world around you and get a glimpse of what life is like in other places, birdwatching can help. 

It’s a great way for beginners to learn about the different species that live in their area, as well as how those species interact with their environment. You’ll also learn how different habitats support specific birds and other animals, which can help inform how we manage those resources for future generations.

Birdwatchers have also become invaluable resources when it comes to identifying new invasive species birds like parakeets and house sparrows have been introduced into North American ecosystems by humans without adequate consideration for whether they’ll fit into local ecosystems or not (spoiler: they don’t). 

Birdwatchers are typically on the lookout for these kinds of problems before anyone else notices them; if there’s an issue with some foreign bird nobody has ever seen before, chances are there’s an experienced birder nearby who could identify it right away!

You Don’t Need Any Special Skills To Start Birdwatching

Birdwatching is a hobby for everyone, no matter your age or level of skill. You don’t need to be an expert birder to enjoy it; you can just look at birds and learn about them, or you could get more serious and join a local birdwatching club. 

The best thing about birdwatching is that even if you’re not very good at it at first, you’ll still have fun because it’s so relaxing!

Tis’ the season for birdwatching! Don’t miss the chance to witness the most festive bird sightings during the holidays by attending one of the best Christmas-themed bird watching events in your area.

It’s Good For Your Physical Health, Too

Are you the type of person who loves to be outdoors, but can’t seem to find the time or energy to actually get up and go? If so, birdwatching may just be your answer. 

Not only will it help you stay fit and healthy, but when done properly it also has the potential to provide a substantial amount of physical activity. 

The average distance covered by an avid birdwatcher is between 5km (3 miles) and 7km (4 miles) per day [source]. That’s more than most people walk in an entire week!

For those who don’t necessarily consider themselves athletic types, this may sound like an unattainable goal but don’t worry; there’s no need for any special equipment besides a pair of good walking shoes! 

Birdwatching is actually one of those activities where it pays off big time if you’re already fit enough not just physically but mentally as well: 

Because you’ll be spending so much time outside in nature looking up at birds flying overhead or perched high in trees above your head, being able to identify them quickly becomes essential if you want even basic success at your hobby. 

The easier it is for us humans beings – even if we’re not interested in becoming expert ornithologists ourselves – then surely that means more people will take advantage?

You’ll Get To Enjoy Wildlife In A Whole New Way

You might not think of birdwatching as an activity, but it can be one of the most rewarding for the nature lover. By engaging your mind, body and spirit with this hobby, you’ll see the world in a different light.

Birdwatching is all about observing birds in their natural environment. In fact, it’s something that can be done from anywhere as long as there are birds around or nearby!

 If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about specific species of birds or just see them up close and personal (you know, besides watching them on TV), then birdwatching may be for you!

Bird watching is not just a hobby but also a way to discover the most stunning habitats and destinations around the world. Be sure to check out our list of top 10 stunning bird habitats that will take your bird watching experience to the next level.


Hopefully, by now you’re feeling pretty excited about the prospect of birdwatching. It’s a great activity for all ages and skill levels, and there are so many opportunities to enjoy it. 

You can start with something as simple as watching birds from your own backyard or window and build up from there no matter what level of expertise you have today, there’s room for improvement tomorrow!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of bird watching, check out these related articles:

Reasons to Start Birdwatching: This article provides a comprehensive list of reasons why bird watching is beneficial for individuals and the environment.

8 Reasons Why You Should Start Birdwatching: This article offers eight compelling reasons why bird watching is a great hobby to explore, including a love of nature, the opportunity to meet new people and exercise.

6 Ways Bird Watching Can Boost Your Mental Health: This article highlights the benefits of bird watching for mental health and explains how this hobby can improve your mood, relieve stress, and promote mindfulness.


What do I need to start bird watching?

To start bird watching, you will need a pair of binoculars, a field guide to identify birds, and a sense of curiosity to explore the natural world around you.

Do I need to travel far to see different species of birds?

No, you can find plenty of bird species in your local area such as parks, nature reserves, or simply in your garden. However, depending on where you live, you may have to travel a distance to see more exotic species.

What time of day is best for bird watching?

The best time to go bird watching is early in the morning or in the evening when birds are most active. However, different bird species may have different feeding or roosting patterns, so it’s worth doing some research to find out which ones you’re most interested in seeing and when they’re most active.

How does bird watching benefit the environment?

Bird watching promotes conservation efforts by giving individuals a greater appreciation for the natural world, and by providing valuable data to conservation organizations about the populations, locations, and behaviors of different bird species.

Is bird watching an expensive hobby?

Bird watching can be an affordable hobby to pursue since there is no need to spend a lot of money on equipment or travel expenses. Beginners can get started with a pair of binoculars and a field guide, and most parks and reserves offer free admission. However, like any hobby, there is potential to spend more on specialized equipment or travel as you become more invested in it.