10 Clever Ways To Make Your Garden More Inviting And Attractive To Birds

Whether you live in the city or the country, a garden is a great place to enjoy some peace and quiet. 

It’s also a great way to encourage wildlife into your life. Birds are one of the most popular garden visitors, so it’s worth making sure you’ve got some things in place that make it easier for them to visit your garden.

Key Takeaways
Importance of creating bird-friendly gardens
Ways to attract birds to your garden
Selecting the right plants for your garden
Creating different levels of habitat
Harsh effects of pesticides on bird populations
Using sustainable and environmentally-friendly gardening practices

Create A Pond

A pond is a great way to attract birds into your garden. Birds love to drink and bathe in ponds because they provide a safe place for them to clean themselves. 

In addition, ponds can provide food for birds through mosquito larvae and other insects that live on the surface of the water.

Ponds can be made from any material and in any shape or size you want, but it’s best if they are deep enough so that there is water all year round (at least 1m deep). 

You can also choose how much maintenance you want your pond to require based on the type of materials used and how many plants you have growing around it.

Benefits of Creating a Pond in Your Garden

Provides water source for birds and other wildlife
Attracts a variety of bird species to your garden
Helps regulate the temperature of your garden
Provides a breeding ground for beneficial insects and amphibians
Enhances the aesthetics and ambiance of your garden

Note: You can add or remove rows in the table as per your preference.

Add Some Shrubs

Shrubs are great for creating a windbreak and they can provide food for birds. Some shrubs are more attractive to birds than others, so it’s important to choose the right kind. 

For example, ornamental cherry trees attract hummingbirds; rose hips attract corella parrots; hawthorn attracts crows and magpies; purple wattle attracts honeyeaters; bellflower attracts finches and goldfinches.

Creating a bird-friendly garden not only benefits the birds but also brings joy and beauty to your outdoor space. Check out our guide on 15 surprising benefits of having a bird-friendly garden to learn how you can attract birds and enhance your garden.

Leave A Pile Of Logs Or Stones

This is a great way to create an inviting and attractive space for birds. Not only do your bird visitors have somewhere to perch, they can also use the logs and stones as nests, as hiding places, and even as sources of minerals (with mineral-rich rocks).

Benefits of Leaving a Pile of Logs or Stones in Your Garden

Provides shelter and nesting sites for a variety of bird species and other wildlife
Attracts beneficial insects like butterflies, bees, and beetles
Helps maintain soil moisture and promotes better drainage
Provides a natural, rustic look to your garden and enhances its overall aesthetic
Can serve as a natural barrier against soil erosion and flooding, helping to stabilize garden soil and prevent runoff damage

Note: You can customize the rows of the table to fit your preference.

Plant Some Flowers In Your Garden

Plant some flowers in your garden. Birds love to eat the seeds, and they also use the flowers for shelter from the rain or cold. 

The flowers attract bees, butterflies and other insects that are good for your garden because they pollinate plants. You can plant flowers in pots or in the ground. You can plant them alone or in groups if you want more color!

Attracting birds to your garden requires more than just bird feeders. Our 13 surprising tips for attracting more birds to your garden guide provides actionable steps to create an inviting space for birds that will have them singing in your backyard.

Plant Berry-Producing Shrubs And Trees

Plant berry-producing shrubs and trees. Berries are a great food source for birds, especially in winter. In fact, many birds will eat over half of their daily diet from berries during the cold weather months. They’re also a good way to lure birds into your yard if you’re wanting to attract them; they’ll come just for the fruit!

Grow berries from seed or cuttings . You can start by planting an entire shrub, but it’s easier (and cheaper!) to start with only one or two plants and then spread out from there as needed. You can plant individual bushes or even whole patches of them if you’d like; just make sure there’s enough space between each plant so that they get enough sunlight!

Grow berries in containers . If you don’t have much space at all in your yard, but still want to grow berries for birds then consider using containers instead! This works well because containers allow easy access when harvesting — which means less mess than having things growing right outside anyone’s windows 🙂

Make A Nesting Site For Birds

Another option is to make a nest for the birds. This is a simple DIY project that will help you make your garden more inviting to birds, and it doesn’t have to cost much at all.

For this project, you’re going to want to find some wood of your choosing (that’s both big enough and sturdy enough) and some old materials from around the house old lace curtains can be hung over the entrance hole as well as twigs or other small pieces of wood inside of it. 

You can also use moss or grasses or whatever else you think would fit nicely with your design aesthetic. You might even consider making doors out of them!

Are you looking for inspiration to create your own bird-friendly garden? Check out our collection of the most beautiful and sustainable bird-friendly gardens that showcase the beauty of bird gardening and offer practical ideas for your own outdoor space.

Incorporate Materials Such As Wood, Stone, Pebbles, Bark And Leaves Into Your Garden Design

Incorporating natural materials such as wood, stone, pebbles, bark and leaves into your garden design is an easy way to make it more inviting for birds. 

You can use these materials to decorate the garden or create pathways and borders. You can also incorporate them into fencing or bird houses to help attract birds who will enjoy the shelter provided by these structures.

Put Up A Bird Feeder

If you want to attract birds to your garden or backyard, put up a bird feeder. Bird feeders can be expensive to buy, but it’s possible to make your own. 

If you have the time and money, there are many ready-made options available at hardware stores and online that are easy enough for even someone with little DIY experience to assemble.

If neither of those things apply, there’s no need to give up on getting some feathered friends in your life. In fact, if you’re patient enough (and have access to a bit of water), making one out of just sticks and string could be one way for them!

Creating a bird-friendly garden is not just about planting flowers, it requires careful planning to attract different types of birds. Our guide on how to create a bird-friendly garden that will attract rare and exotic species offers expert advice on what you need to know to create a garden that will attract unique and exotic birds.

Add Some Bird Houses To Your Garden

Bird houses are also a great way to attract birds to your garden. They should be placed at least 10 feet off the ground and in a sheltered area, as well as being near trees or bushes. 

Keep in mind that birds like different things when it comes to their nests, so look for houses with openings of varying sizes, depending on what type of bird you’re trying to attract. 

Additionally, make sure there is some sort of platform (such as wooden or stone) underneath the house so that the nest can rest securely atop it without falling through into whatever is beneath it (e.g., dirt).

Keep Your Lawns Tidy But Wild Areas Left To Their Own Devices

There’s nothing better than having a well-kept lawn, but if you can’t be bothered to mow it every week then it might be time for a rethink. Birds like to have plenty of grass in their gardens, so if yours is looking more like a badger set than an English country garden, maybe it’s time for some pruning?

The secret is not to cut the grass too short—leave about 8 inches (20cm) when you trim and make sure that there are always clumps left untouched so that birds can nest in them. 

Also avoid cutting when wet or windy as this will damage the blades and make your lawn look messy.

Designing a bird-friendly garden requires not only creating a beautiful outdoor space but also ensuring it is sustainable for the birds. Our guide on the top 15 most beautiful and sustainable bird-friendly garden designs showcases stunning garden designs that are also environmentally conscious and bird-friendly.


I hope that you’ve found these tips useful. It’s easy to get started with welcoming birds into your garden, and the more birds you attract the better! 

There are plenty of other ways to make your garden bird-friendly, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find what works best for you and your home.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to check out if you want to learn more about creating bird-friendly gardens:

Ten Easy Ways to Attract Birds to Your Garden: A practical guide on simple ways to attract birds to your garden.

Ten Tips for Creating Beautiful Gardens: Expert tips on creating beautiful gardens that also benefit the environment and attract birds.

Bird-Friendly Flower Garden: A guide to creating a beautiful bird-friendly flower garden.


How do I make my garden more bird-friendly?

There are many ways to make your garden more bird-friendly, such as planting native plants, providing food and water sources, creating different levels of habitat, and avoiding the use of pesticides. Learn more in our guide on 13 surprising tips for attracting more birds to your garden.

What kind of plants attract birds to gardens?

Birds are attracted to plants that provide food, shelter, and nesting sites. Some examples include native plants, berry bushes, sunflowers, and plants that produce seeds.

How do I create different levels of habitat in my garden?

Creating different levels of habitat in your garden is important for attracting a variety of birds, as different species prefer different heights for nesting and foraging. You can create different levels by planting tall trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants.

Can I use bird feeders to attract birds to my garden?

Yes, bird feeders can be a great way to attract birds to your garden, but they should not be the only method used. Providing natural food sources such as fruit and nectar-producing plants is also important.

How can I create a sustainable and eco-friendly bird-friendly garden?

Creating a sustainable and eco-friendly bird-friendly garden requires planning and careful consideration of the materials and plants used. Some tips include using native plants, reducing water usage, avoiding chemical pesticides, and using compost instead of synthetic fertilizers.